5 galleries
ASIA AND FAR EAST travel stock photography India, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Papua New Guinea. Vibrant photographs Asian travel destinations, tourist attractions, culture, food, architecture, iconic sights and images
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341 imagesASIA travel stock photography of Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, South Korea (see separate Galleries for INDIA, CHINA, THAILAND)
496 imagesCHINA & HONG KONG travel stock photography of traditional and modern China, Chinese people young and old, ancient customs, the growth of western influence, globalization, one child policy, pollution. Chinese daily life. Tourism in China. Change.
504 imagesINDIA travel stock photography, traditional and modern, including the Golden Triangle: New Delhi, Agra and the Taj Mahal, Varanasi, Rajasthan, Ranthambore, Udaipur, Mumbai, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Indian people young and old, Indian culture and traditions, religion, homelife, change, progress, westernization.
44 imagesPAPUA NEW GUINEA travel stock images of native people at tribal gathering, traditional culture and costume in vibrant colour, feather headdress, grass skirts, painted faces, warrior images, cultural music and dancing ..
108 imagesTHAILAND travel stock photography of ornate architecture, grand palaces and temples, colourful scenes, rich decor, cultural tradition, people and places from this exotic Far East popular vacation destination ..